Prevent and Detect Misconfigurations
Given the complexity, newness, and rate of change in microservice container-based architectures, misconfigurations are inevitable. You need a solution that protects your cloud-native environments from mishaps and gives you early detection, with immediate visibility to root cause, for when they do.
Of all security issues in the cloud start with a misconfiguration.
Trend Micro, 2021
Of organizations have >10 daily incidents in their Cloud due to misconfigurations.
eSentire, 2021
Prevent misconfigurations from occurring…
By tracing activities in development and staging, environments, Spyderbat builds container behavior profiles that flag and can even prevent changes in production.
- Instantly view the trace of any issue to get the who, what, where, and how.
- Reduce your attack surface by inventorying the processes, services, and network connections used by your runtime applications.
- Protect yourself from supply chain attacks by monitoring OS and software updates, script outputs, etc. even when malware uses long dormant periods.
…Detect and quickly resolve the misconfigurations you can’t
Spyderbat catches misconfigurations by scoring causal sequences of activities within and across containers, recognizing the early warning signs of a misconfiguration.
- Spyderbat’s Causal Map recognizes the ripple effect of a misconfiguration, giving you an early warning to fully resolve the issue.
- Instantly get the who, what, where, how and remove hours of investigation piecing together what happened.
Protect your cloud native environments
Prevent misconfigurations and threats. Detect and block attacks. Gain greater visibility while enabling SecOps Automation with Spyderbat.
Use cases