
Spyderbat: Network Security’s New Offensive Playbook

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  • 11 months ago
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sypderbat network security

2021 wasn’t a year of business as usual for cybersecurity professionals. From ransomware to supply-chain attacks, companies around the globe faced a steady barrage of new exploits, often with diminished in-house IT resources.

Even on the heels of the Covid-19 pandemic and costly global supply-chain disruptions, cybersecurity threats top the list of what businesses fear will affect them most in 2022. A quick review of recent industry trends suggests that these concerns are likely well-founded.

● Cybercriminals enjoyed a banner year in 2021, taking advantage of businesses rushing the process of digital transformation. At the same time, a decade-old labor shortage in cyber security worsened as burned-out veterans left the industry in droves.

● During these changes, a few constants have remained. Attacks continue to reside in systems an average of 287 days – a statistic that has scarcely fluttered in the last seven years – and the low rate at which the authorities are identifying and prosecuting attackers still fails to provide any deterrent effect.

With attacks on the rise and the resources to combat them in decline, it’s time to reimagine the dynamics of cybersecurity and shift the default mode from reactive to proactive.

You Can’t Win on Defense Alone

In the 90s network security was focused on preventative measures. Beginning ~2015, enterprises began investing in ‘detection & response’ recognizing threat actors were evading preventative approaches. A balanced approach between preventative and detection and response was necessary.

However, reactive measures have proven to be ineffective.Today’s security teams field on average more than 11,000 alerts daily and sink 70% of their time in triage and investigation. Measured against dwell times and cybercrime rates, the best-case return on these efforts barely breaks even.
And if 2022 lives up to expectations, maintaining even this status quo may soon be unfeasible for a growing number of businesses.

Take the Field before the Game Starts

For security professionals who want to turn the tables, Spyderbat’s innovative Attack Tracing and Intercept (ATI) strategy enables proactive offense on a single platform scalable to operations of any size. Where traditional IDS tracks only fragments of security events after they begin, Spyderbat buildss a universal trace, mapping all system calls and network connections. This Universal trace preempts the threat-response dynamic, giving network defenders the data they need before threats arrive and without time lost in the blind corners of logs. Equipped with a global live cast of system events, security teams punch well above their weight to decisively eliminate credible threats. Spyderbat delivers the combined effect of enhanced prevention and faster recovery while redirecting your teams’ focus from rote notification triage to aggressive takedowns of real intruders.

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